Wednesday 2 December 2015

Beauty Lies You Need to Stop Believing!

You've heard them and you've probably done them. There's no shame in that! We often go through great lengths to look our best and will sometimes believe anything we hear if it means younger skin, thicker hair, and fuller lips!

But it's time to grow up. Stop living in a house of lies and learn a thing or two about beauty.

1.Rub olive oil on your skin to reduce stretch marks

Sorry to say this ladies, but olive oil is a friend to many but it’s not a friend of your stretch marks. The reason why stretch marks appear is because when the body is expanding rapidly, the top layer of the skin expands but isn't quick enough to cover its tracks. There isn't much you can, so don't go greasing yourself up with olive oil.

2. Got rough dandruff? That means you have a dry scalp.
 It’s easy to understand why people would think dandruff is a sign of a dry scalp. However dandruff can be caused by anything ranging from stress to an overproduction of your scalp’s natural oil. Need to get rid of dandruff most experts will say that a regular anti-dandruff shampoo will do the trick. If those don’t work, talk to a dermatologist to get a stronger shampoo prescribed to you.

3. You can heal split ends
How does that work, split ends are damaged hair cuticles, the best way to stop them is by snipping them off.

4. Skin care regimen have to be expensive to work
Okay this is the lie that drive people mad looking for money to buy a high end cream because they think since its expensive its the best;drugstore products are also good and you might find one that's cheap and just as good.

5. Skin care regimen is for everybody
Actually its not, those with sensitive skin can load up their skin products all the time, it would ultimately damage their skin.

6. Deodorant can give you cancer
The fact is that there is no evidence to support this claim.

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