Thursday 22 October 2015

Best Budget Friendly Foods For A Better Health and Longer Life!

Eating whole foods has plenty of fantastic benefits, the main ones are a better health and longer life. Studies show that today many people suffer from incurable diseases because of unhealthy food choices. While it's hard to stick to a healthy diet, especially if you are constantly short on money.

The earlier you start eating healthy. the longer you will live, not to mention you will significantly improve your health. One of the biggest reasons people stop eating healthy is because it is expensive.

Below are budget-friendly yet healthy foods to incorporate into your daily eating plan.

1. Brown rice: One of the best and cheapest super-foods you should be eating more is brown rice. White rice is a good food choice too, but it's higher in calories and lower in vitamins and minerals than brown rice.

2. Bananas: Rich in fiber, potassium and vitamin C, bananas are cheap and healthy. you can use bananas in your fruit salads and smoothies, or eat them raw with a little bit of honey and cinnamon. Bananas help to satisfy your hunger in a jiff and keep you feeling fuller, longer until dinner rolls around. Bananas are a healthy pre-workout snack.

3. Beans: Beans are incredibly healthy, plus  they are rather cheap. Beans are good source of protein, B vitamins, fiber, potassium, iron, magnesium, folate, and a lot of phytonutrients. Both canned and dried beans are smart healthy options.

4. Eggs: Eating eggs for breakfast boosts levels of satiety, increase your energy levels, aids in weight loss, and provides your body with essential nutrients it needs to work properly. Eggs are plentiful in folic-acid, protein, vitamin B, iron, calcium, zinc and manganese. Eggs are budget- friendly.

5. Oats: Perhaps you know about health benefits of eating oatmeal. Oats are cheap, healthy and versatile. Oats contains more protein than any other common grain, as well as magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, vitamin E and some other healthy nutrients. You can eat them for breakfast or lunch. Oatmeal is a perfect bedtime snack too.

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