Thursday 16 February 2017


Hi Lovelies....... It's been a while. I've so missed blogging and all my faithful readers. Sure we had a lovely val day. Few days back i was just reminiscing about so many things and February happens to be the month of LOVE as well. I just had this urge to encourage someone and I hope this piece blesses you.

Falling in love is sensational and sweet. But staying in love and cultivating a strong marriage... that's something that takes work. As husband and wives, you can't just go through the motions of daily life and expect the relationship to grow deeper. We need to roll up our sleeves, put our spouses first and actively demonstrate our love.

It's easy to think about and dwell on the ways that we want to be loved and encouraged better. Dear people, if we are to be imitators of Christ and godly spouse, we have to move from having an " I mindset to having " We'' mindset. In the heat of the moment, when life is busy, stressful or frustrating, we have to commit to choosing selflessness over selfishness and loving our spouse with everything we've got.

Here are ways to put loving and encouraging your spouse into practice.

  •  Say thank you:  As simple as it sounds, it goes a long way in our marriages, even in our personal life's. How often do you thank your spouse? thanking them for the big and little things shows that he/she is appreciated.

  • Tell your spouse why you love them, remind them often:  When we first fall in love, we make a point to tell someone why we love them, and we don't let them forget about it, either. But after '' I do,'' some of us stop reminding our spouse that we're still madly in love with them. We should learn to evaluate ourselves and write down first things that come to mind when you think about why you love your spouse. Maybe it's his/her smile, tender heart or whatever those reasons are, make it a point to remind he/she of those reasons a couple of times or  weekly.

  •  Create reasons to laugh and smile:  I believe one of the best medicines for a joy filled marriage is laughter. A healthy couple is a couple that can be silly, laugh and poke fun at each other. You don't have to be a comedian. You can reminisce about a time when something hilarious happened, or try making fun of yourself. Just be you and make a point to celebrate the quirkiness of your marriage. It is what makes the two of you unique. 

  • Don't try and force your spouse to be someone they are Not:  Love them for who God made them to be:  We can pray for our spouse to change. We can encourage them to embrace new ways of living and thinking. But we can't change the essence of who they really are. That's God's business. 

  • Surprise your spouse with a date night:  There's something about getting all glammed up, going out, talking about life and being adults together. It takes one back to the time you first fell in love and it reminds you that dating shouldn't stop after the wedding ceremony. 

  • Write a Note:  Whenever your spouse leaves to go for a trip, Always try to leave them a note in the morning letting them know that they will be missed and you hope they have a safe trip. Notes  are tangible ways to show love and in the digital world we live in, they are so rare and valuable. Surprise your spouse by leaving a note on a mirror, refrigerator or in their cars. A note is worth a thousand hugs. 

  • Tell your spouse what you need:  No one's a mind reader. We show love to our spouse when we help them understand our wants, needs, desires, etc. 

  •  Be genuinely interested in what you spouse has to say:  Our thoughts and agendas are not the most important things to be thinking about. Instead, we need to make it a point to listen to our spouse and show genuine interest in their passion and endeavors. Ask them what they want to work toward. This help build up their confidence and leads to deeper conversation, which ultimately brings a couple closer.


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