Monday 28 December 2015

5 Tips to help You Achieve Your New Year Goals!

A New Year is coming and sometimes when we think about a New Year we think about it as one big increment of time. One way to be more specific about planning and goal setting for the New Year is, instead of seeing it as one whole year, shift your perception and see it as 365 days.Looking at it from that perspective allows you to expand and add detail to your plans and goals in succession. When you see that a year is a set of days you can govern them more easily and consistently chart your progress. This shift in consciousness can allow you to have the excitement and realization that each day is made for you to create a plan for it and achieve your goals in more attainable segments. This way you can self-correct more easily and have more consistent achievements.
Here are 5 important tips that are imperative for success and achievement;

1) Learn to develop additional skills.
Knowledge is progressive. Identify changes to be made, skills to be learnt and habit to be formed. Some of these changes could even be mindset shifts or simply deciding on what needs to be done. The truth is that you might need to learn a new skill by enrolling for a new course, or going for training to achieve your plans for the new year. Identify your needs and keep them in mind.

2) You have to keep taps of your finances.

 Have a financial diary where you can write down how much income you spend in a day. Get someone to hold you accountable. Your accountability partner can be a friend or family member. I recommend a neutral party who won't be too sentimental. Accountability is a very important motivating factor to push you to achieve your goals because you know someone would follow up with you and it will help in keeping track of how your income was spent.

3) Plan and develop relationships around you in 2016

People that don't connect or aren't relevant to your purpose can confuse your efforts and waste time. Being specific allows you to build strategy, create direction and take appropriate action. Be wise in choosing people around you. Influence is extremely powerful. You smell like the company you keep!

4) You must be committed.

Don't just stop with what you want to achieve, write down how you plan to achieve it. Then ask yourself what might hinder you from achieving it and ways you would overcome the hindrances. This is important because you might have good plans, but you might have a lifestyle situation that would not allow you to follow through with the plans.

5) Feed your mind with expectations.

Expectation is the mother of manifestation.Goal setting allows your plan to have a specific end results. Plans are the end results of what you want to do and goals are how you are going to get it done. Don't give your day a predetermined sentence and you do not have to accept those negative impressions. Better days ahead include all of them, so don't discriminate because each day can be the beginning of a fine opportunity.

Enjoy happy new days and Happy New Year!

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